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Verso Healthcare è integralmente acquisita dal Gruppo MACSF
🚀 Verso Healthcare è integralmente acquisita dal Gruppo MACSF ! La missione di Verso Healthcare è quella di consentire agli operatori sanitari di concentrarsi sulla loro professione. Tutti i team del Gruppo (MDL, IMP360, Value Medical, MEDGEST) sono orgogliosi di
First installation in France of the ZAP-X – Verso Healthcare is proud to participate in improving the patient journey
The first installation in France of ZAP-X, the latest innovation in the treatment of malignant and benign intracranial tumors by radiosurgery, is underway at the Porte de Saint-Cloud Cancer Center. All the Verso Healthcare teams
IMP360, a subsidiary of the Verso Healthcare group, was present at the first edition of the MIMS Health Innovation Forum
IMP360, a subsidiary of the Verso Healthcare group, was present at the first edition of the MIMS Health Innovation Forum, which took place on 8 and 9 December at the Futuroscope Convention Centre in Poitiers.On
The Verso Healthcare group continues its European development by creating a subsidiary in Spain
Verso Healthcare Spain : After positioning itself in the Benelux (March 2017), Italy (July 2018) and Switzerland (July 2020), the Verso Healthcare group is continuing its international expansion by opening a subsidiary in Spain (Barcelona)
Mieux comprendre l’offre Verso Healthcare et l’implication de ses partenaires
Depuis 10 ans Verso Healthcare déploie son offre de services à destination des professionnels de santé. Depuis la prise de participation de la MACSF, le groupe Verso Healthcare s’est renforcé afin de faire bénéficier à